Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, deadlines and dynamics are very similar to last year. That’s why you need to start thinking about your fiscal situation right now. We want you to be able to face your taxes, such as the IRS, before they face you. For that purpose, we will investigate what’s new for this year.
February 2022 – Update, verify and confirm
Until the 15th
This is the first deadline that you must consider, especially if during 2021 you had any changes in your household, such as:
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Newborn
- Death of spouse
- Change in residency
- Children in joint custody
- Children who are not considered dependent
Separated couples should, until the 15th of February, communicate to the AT alternating residence of children and on the percentage of expenses shared by dependents in joint custody. The household members who attend schools located in the interior or islands and the amount of their expenses must also be communicated.
Until the 25th
Until this day, all contributors must verify and validate all recepits that were processed on e-fatura. If you have children, also verify the receipts on their name and validate them.
Independent workers should also indicate if those expenses are personal, professional or both.
March: Confirm once more and, if needed, complain. Consign 0,5% of the IRS.
Until the 15th
Until the 15th of March, all of the deductible values on the IRS will be available on the Portal das Finanças. From now on, you can also confirm other expenses that weren’t shown before, such as, tuition, insurances, PRR and others.
Between the 15th and 31st
In this time window you have the opportunity to complain if you don’t agree with the deduction values that are presented in the general expenses and familiar categories. If the categories are related to health, education, real estate and nursing homes, you can correct when the Model 3 is being filled. Note that if you choose the automatic IRS, you can’t make any changes.
During this period, you should also communicate to the AT your intention of consigning your IRS and/or IVA, and also identify the entity to which you will donate the 0,5%.
From April to June: Send the IRS declaration
The declaration can be sent from the 1st of April until the 30th of June.
July: Notice of refunds and hits
You should expect to receive the Liquidation Note from the AT until the end of July. During this month you will be refunded, if the hits are in your favor.
August: Payments by the contributor
If you have to pay anything to the AT, you should do it until the end of August. If you were late sending the declaration, you can still do it until 31 of December, but you will have to pay a fine.
September: Fractionated payment
Until the 15th of September, you can ask to make payments in fractions, should you pay something in the first place. However, it is necessary to have sent the declaration on time (between April and June) and also have your other taxes, such as IVA and IMI, in order.
By letting these deadlines pass, you are putting yourself at risk of paying unecessary fines. At CRR, we will ensure that all these deadlines are thouroughly respected by sendind all the documents on time. If you wish to contact us about your IRS or any other related matters, you can find our contacts here
You can find more information in the official AT website here